Saturday, March 29, 2008


Thank you for reading my blog, now you are here for one reason and one reason only.
You want to make money online.
Who wouldn't?
Wouldn't everyone want to wake up at 10 make a cup of coffee and than sit down open up the computer type a little bit and find that you have made 1000 dollars?
So why isn't everyone doing this?
Because 99% of people do not know how!
Now I'm not gonna tell you I'm some Internet genius who sits out in the sunny tropics while sipping a margarita and watching the birds fly over the glistening ocean.
I'm and average Joe working 9-5 like everyone else.
But for a few hours a week I'm different than most people..
What do I do?
Well I sit down and make money online, by online working a few hours a week I make around 1300 every month.
Not bad spending money eh?
Now this didn't come easily, I spent over 500 dollars on e-books that just didn't work!
But finally I found 3 sites that work. And this blog talks about those sites and why there so great!
Who knows maybe you'll use these sites and you'll be so successful you'll be sitting in the sunny tropics sipping a margarita and watching the birds fly over the glistening ocean.
I wouldn't get my hopes up but you never know...

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